미디어위키 API 도움말

이 페이지는 자동으로 생성된 미디어위키 API 도움말 문서입니다.

설명 문서 및 예시: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page

list=allusers (au)

(main | query | allusers)
  • 이 모듈은 read 권한을 요구합니다.
  • 출처: MediaWiki
  • 라이선스: GPL-2.0-or-later

등록된 모든 사용자를 열거합니다.

특정 변수:
다른 일반 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.

열거를 시작할 사용자 이름입니다.


열거를 중단할 사용자 이름입니다.


이 값으로 시작하는 모든 사용자를 검색합니다.


정렬 방향.

다음 값 중 하나: ascending, descending 또는 다른 문자열: ascending, descending
기본값: ascending

Only include users in the given groups. Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed.

값 (|로 구분): bot, bureaucrat, interface-admin, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop 또는 다른 문자열: bot, bureaucrat, interface-admin, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop

지정된 그룹의 사용자를 제외합니다.

값 (|로 구분): bot, bureaucrat, interface-admin, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop 또는 다른 문자열: bot, bureaucrat, interface-admin, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop

Only include users with the given rights. Does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed.

값 (|로 구분): abusefilter-access-protected-vars, abusefilter-bypass-blocked-external-domains, abusefilter-hidden-log, abusefilter-hide-log, abusefilter-log, abusefilter-log-detail, abusefilter-log-private, abusefilter-modify, abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains, abusefilter-modify-global, abusefilter-modify-restricted, abusefilter-privatedetails, abusefilter-privatedetails-log, abusefilter-protected-vars-log, abusefilter-revert, abusefilter-view, abusefilter-view-private, apihighlimits, applychangetags, autoconfirmed, autocreateaccount, autopatrol, badoath, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive, changeemail, changetags, confirmemail, createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, delete-redirect, deletechangetags, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry, deleterevision, echo-create, edit, editcontentmodel, editinterface, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss, editmyuserjs, editmyuserjson, editmyuserjsredirect, editmywatchlist, editprotected, editsemiprotected, editsitecss, editsitejs, editsitejson, editusercss, edituserjs, edituserjson, hideuser, import, importupload, interwiki, ipblock-exempt, linkpurge, mailpassword, manage-all-push-subscriptions, managechangetags, markbotedits, mergehistory, minoredit, move, move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, movefile, nominornewtalk, noratelimit, nuke, oathauth-api-all, oathauth-disable-for-user, oathauth-enable, oathauth-verify-user, oathauth-view-log, override-export-depth, pagelang, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, purge, read, renameuser, renderfile, renderfile-nonstandard, replacetext, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, sboverride, sendemail, siteadmin, skipcaptcha, spamblacklistlog, stashbasehtml, stashedit, suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, tboverride, tboverride-account, thanks-notification, titleblacklistlog, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload, upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed 또는 다른 문자열: abusefilter-access-protected-vars, abusefilter-bypass-blocked-external-domains, abusefilter-hidden-log, abusefilter-hide-log, abusefilter-log, abusefilter-log-detail, abusefilter-log-private, abusefilter-modify, abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains, abusefilter-modify-global, abusefilter-modify-restricted, abusefilter-privatedetails, abusefilter-privatedetails-log, abusefilter-protected-vars-log, abusefilter-revert, abusefilter-view, abusefilter-view-private, apihighlimits, applychangetags, autoconfirmed, autocreateaccount, autopatrol, badoath, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive, changeemail, changetags, confirmemail, createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, delete-redirect, deletechangetags, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry, deleterevision, echo-create, edit, editcontentmodel, editinterface, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss, editmyuserjs, editmyuserjson, editmyuserjsredirect, editmywatchlist, editprotected, editsemiprotected, editsitecss, editsitejs, editsitejson, editusercss, edituserjs, edituserjson, hideuser, import, importupload, interwiki, ipblock-exempt, linkpurge, mailpassword, manage-all-push-subscriptions, managechangetags, markbotedits, mergehistory, minoredit, move, move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, movefile, nominornewtalk, noratelimit, nuke, oathauth-api-all, oathauth-disable-for-user, oathauth-enable, oathauth-verify-user, oathauth-view-log, override-export-depth, pagelang, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, purge, read, renameuser, renderfile, renderfile-nonstandard, replacetext, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, sboverride, sendemail, siteadmin, skipcaptcha, spamblacklistlog, stashbasehtml, stashedit, suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, tboverride, tboverride-account, thanks-notification, titleblacklistlog, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload, upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed
값의 최대 수는 50(더 높은 제한이 허용된 클라이언트의 경우 500)입니다.

포함할 정보:

현재 차단된 사용자의 정보를 추가함.
Lists groups that the user is in. This uses more server resources and may return fewer results than the limit.
Lists all the groups the user is automatically in.
사용자가 보유한 권한을 나열합니다.
사용자의 편집 수를 추가합니다.
가능한 경우 사용자가 등록한 타임스탬프를 추가합니다. (비어 있을 수 있음)
Adds the central IDs and attachment status for the user.
값 (|로 구분): blockinfo, centralids, editcount, groups, implicitgroups, registration, rights 또는 다른 문자열: blockinfo, centralids, editcount, groups, implicitgroups, registration, rights

반환할 전체 사용자 이름의 수입니다.

유형: 정수 또는 max
값은 1와 500 사이여야 합니다.
기본값: 10

편집을 한 사용자만 나열합니다.

유형: 불리언 (자세한 정보)

Only list users active in the last 30 days.

유형: 불리언 (자세한 정보)

With auprop=centralids, also indicate whether the user is attached with the wiki identified by this ID.


일반 계정 사용자를 제외합니다.

유형: 불리언 (자세한 정보)

임시 계정 사용자를 제외합니다.

유형: 불리언 (자세한 정보)
Y로 시작하는 사용자를 나열합니다.
api.php?action=query&list=allusers&aufrom=Y [연습장에서 열기]